How to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file
How to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

how to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

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how to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

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how to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

Any other customer support posts will be removed. Rule 1 - Tech/customer support questions are only allowed in.Yeah CUE is a bit finicky when it comes to locking onto programs and such. At any rate I know where to manually type/paste stuff into now - always good to know just in case! :) Oh well, I've still got the game set up under a separate profile from the default one and I've just assigned the Scroll Lock button to manually switch between the two.

how to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file

I guess CUE just doesn't work the same way. I know I've got the right file as a profile I set up for my new mouse (different make) allowed me to link it to that file without problems and only started working once I did. :( I managed to enter the file path and CUE now says the profile is linked to the *.sp file, but the profile still doesn't automatically switch over when the gameplay starts. I thought it wasn't possible to do it but turns out I was trying to paste it in the wrong place! :P I'd already tried typing the file path (well, copy & paste anyway) and it didn't paste in. Sincerest thanks in advance for any input. I guess I could always put the game settings as an alternate mode on my default profile if I had to, though I'd rather keep them separate if at all possible. Any remote chance that there might be a way to assign one to this *.sp file? Even if it's somewhere "behind the scenes", as it were? This means that my game profile is active in the menu but then automatically switches back to my default profile during gameplay.ĬUE seems to only let you link profiles to *.exe files, at least within the software itself. However there is one game I have that works a little weird - it runs off a normal *.exe when the game first starts up to the menu, but when starting actual gameplay I've discovered that the *.exe seems to stop and it instead runs off an *.sp file. CUE's been working great for me and I've got different profiles set up for all my games. I figure this is probably going to be a long shot but it's worth an ask.

How to make corsair icue run useing a .scr file